Sunday, May 11, 2008

Navigation System- NaviPocket


The concept for my idea for this navigator started from having a navigator called NaviPocket, the word Navi meaning Navigator and pocket meaning size wise that was small enough to put in you pocket, and that navigated to shops as well as streets. With the A4 rendered poster I dyed it in coffee to give it an old kind of texture because navigation is re nouned as directions, and directions have been something that people have used throughout life to get to one spot to another. I then burnt the edges for more texture approach.
As for the box, I made a pyramd as for something different then having just a straight up box, it kind of promotes the product as much as the packaging. I used the symbols around it. The colour green represents earth, and the symbol means direction, it goes round in a square with the arrow as its pointing to a destination. Some of the features in the box include the 5 choice voice, speed camera alerts, slimmer model, and being able to navigate to shops as well as streets. I used the font alba, because it was a good font that went well with the product. On my A4 poster I used the quote “have you stepped into your destination” meaning because the NaviPocket can be used for walking so by making steps you’re a step ahead of your destination.

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